Vricon Precision 3D Registration (P3DR) available
Vricon unveiled the next in a series of GEOINT solutions — Vricon Precision 3D Registration (P3DR) — at the year’s GEOINT 2018 Symposium in Tampa, Fla. Vricon P3DR is a software suite designed to automatically georegister imagery, regardless of collection platform, against the most accurate 3D geospatial foundation available, The Globe in 3D. P3DR can be implemented as a real-time processing workflow for imagery feeds without the need for GPS location, heading information, or ground control points. While we’ve always been able to perform georegistration of individual data sets using 3D models as an accurate foundation, Vricon P3DR takes this capability to a whole new level. Users now have multiple options for where and when they can automatically georegister their FMV or other imagery sources in real-time and at an enterprise scale. Precisely locating geospatial data from different sources is a persistent challenge for the geospatial community. Imagery data is collected at different times, on different platforms, and with different look angles, sensor characteristics, and raw pointing accuracies. High-off-nadir Full Motion Video (FMV) is particularly challenging, given the relatively narrow field of view, high resolution, and often poor initial pointing accuracy of the sensors. All of these complexities yield data sets that are significantly misaligned with each other and the real world. The alignment is often off by tens or even hundreds of meters. As a result, users are unable to automatically correlate multi-sensor data, making it difficult to fully leverage collection assets on critical targets. This also creates additional work for analysts, who spend hours trying to align various image sources. Vricon P3DR software — enabled by Vricon’s Globe in 3D — provides a way to quickly and accurately georegister data anywhere on the globe. Vricon P3DR provides critical accuracy enhancements to other ISR sources, enabling GEOINT data to be used to […]