TechInnovation 2016 a success
TechInnovation 2016 attracted more than 2,700 participants seeking business opportunities from over 300 featured technologies. The fifth edition featured the new Enterprise Europe Network segment and Platform Technologies panel on Smart Nations. SINGAPORE, 3 October 2016 – TechInnovation concluded its fifth edition, with over 2,700 participants in attendance, nearly a 30% increase from last year’s turnout. The event also saw 120 exhibitors showcasing more than 300 emerging and ready-to-market technologies. The annual two-day technology marketplace is Singapore’s premier technology brokerage event that brings together international and local technology providers and seekers to explore technology and business collaboration opportunities through open innovation. Organised by IPI, TechInnovation was also an anchor event of the inaugural Singapore Week of Innovation and TeCHnology (SWITCH). Guest-of-Honour, Deputy Prime Minister Teo Chee Hean, Coordinating Minister for National Security and Chairman of the National Research Foundation Singapore delivered the opening address. This year’s event, themed “Discover, Connect & Collaborate”, had its unique crowdsourcing segment, crowdpitching sessions and conference tracks on additive manufacturing and Internet-of-Things (IoT) security. TechInnovation also introduced a brand new segment on Europe-Singapore Partnership Opportunities, giving local enterprises the opportunity to expand their reach and connect to the Enterprise Europe Network (EEN) partners from the Czech Republic, France, Germany, Hungary and Spain. “We saw a strong attendance by delegates and exhibitors who came together to share innovation practices and emerging technologies at TechInnovation this year. SMEs accounted for over 70% of the delegate count. We are especially pleased with the number of technology providers who turned up seeking partnerships and collaborations with the SMEs. Commercialising these technologies will prove mututally beneficial for both sides. The success of this year’s event emphasises IPI’s commitment to its business-technology matching practices”, said Professor Lam Khin Yong, Executive Director of IPI. Over 400 business meetings were initiated over two days, […]