MOC-TCI Asia Chapter Conference 2020 July 6-7, 14.00

Hosted by the National University of Mongolia, the members from the two networks, MOC and TCI Asia will gather in this virtual conference to explore how the new normal is shaping and exchange experiences on how Asian clusters and innovation ecosystems are fast adapting to it. On the first day, July 6, the members of the MOC Asia Network will share the conceptual frameworks of clustering and the new normal throughout Asia, including among others country cases from Mongolia and Taiwan, and tackling the new challenges around online teaching. The second day, July 7, at the TCI Asia webinar, we will showcase how global clusters are working in practice in times of coronavirus and adapting to the new normal, with a focus on rethinking the existing cluster development models and global trends. We will showcase global cases and stories from Asian members, of how clusters and economic development organisations are making a difference in the path to economic recovery. Look at the speakers and agenda here. For more information, please get in touch at |